
Can we talk about Biden’s lies, his “vote denial” and his bad behavior? – San Bernardino Sun

President Joe Biden listens to a question during a presidential debate with Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, Thursday, June 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Twenty-four hours after the Trump-Biden debate, Democratic politicians and pundits were pondering mass suicide. Moderators and panelists chanted loudly, “Biden must go.”

But when the dust settled, they went from the strategy of throwing Joe Biden under the bus to telling the bus driver to move out of the way so as not to run him over. The reason is simple: Biden has the delegates and cannot be replaced unless he wants to go – and Dr. Jill doesn’t want that.

They realize that even if they were to replace Joe, black voters would cry “racism and sexism” if Kamala Harris – who is polling worse than Biden – were passed over. Michelle Obama is not rushing to her aid.

White Gavin Newsom cannot bypass Kamala without alienating black voters, the most loyal part of her electorate. Newsom is polling poorly compared to Donald Trump. Newsom is unpopular in California.

Democrats and the media quickly realized after the debate that they were stuck with Biden and Harris. So the strategy is clear: pretend that Biden’s bad debate didn’t really matter; that he was “overprepared”; that it was just “a bad night”; and that Trump “just lied” while refusing to accept the outcome of the 2024 election.

The strategy is clear: Biden must never again be without a teleprompter and speechwriter. Harris must be praised and “put more in the spotlight” so that she can take the baton if Biden concedes even more. “Abortion and our democracy are on the ballot” must be shouted over and over again. And Trump must be even more strongly labeled as a lying, vote-refusing, racist Nazi who “threatens our democracy.”

They are counting on the Democrats/media to ignore the strategy’s flaws and contradictions. As for Trump’s so-called election denial/refusal to accept the results, the Democrats/media have relegated to oblivion the moment when Biden preemptively challenged the results of the 2022 midterm elections. At the time, most Democrats and Republicans were expecting a “red wave.” When asked if he would accept the results, Biden said, “It could easily be illegitimate. I’m not going to say it will be legitimate. … The increasing likelihood that it is illegitimate is directly proportional to our inability to get these (election) reforms passed.”

Biden’s lies include: how, why, and where his son Beau developed brain cancer; that Biden desegregated movie theaters and restaurants; that he graduated in the top half of his class in law school; that he was arrested during apartheid while trying to visit Nelson Mandela; that he “grew up in the black church”; that he played football at the University of Delaware; that he claimed the driver who accidentally hit and killed his first wife and daughter was drunk; that he intentionally misrepresented Trump’s statements about Charlottesville; that Trump said you should drink/inject bleach; that Biden did not pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma; that Biden never discussed his son Hunter’s business dealings; that his wife “almost died” in a small kitchen fire; that he was “shot” in Iraq; that inflation was “9%” when he became president; that the Border Patrol supports him; that the NAACP has supported him in “all” of his elections; that Uncle Bosie from World War II was eaten by cannibals; that “nobody” warned him that if he abruptly withdrew from Afghanistan, the Afghan government would quickly collapse and the Taliban would return; that Trump called American World War I veterans who lost their lives “suckers and losers”; that Trump praised Hitler; and others.

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