
Where to find peat and moss in Bellwright

Build your own settlement in Bell maker can feel overwhelming at first. However, as you gain more companions and gain the trust of surrounding villages, things gradually start to fall into place. Gathering resources is a crucial part of the building and crafting process, and the game’s vast world offers materials that can easily be overlooked, like peat and moss.


Bellwright: Where to Find Feathers

This is how you get feathers in Bellwright and can craft valuable equipment.

Peat and moss are important resources that require special tools to mine. They are not found in the early game areas, but in the middle of the map. This guide explains where to look for peat and moss in the game.

Where to find peat and moss

Both peat and moss may be found in the western partthe map, near the village of BlackridgepoolTo reach this area, head south from Padstow and cross the river leading into the western region.

Once near Blackridgepool, Travel north to discover numerous swamp areas full of trees and bandit camps. Peat grows in mudSo look for muddy spots near the trees while Moss typically occurs near water.

You can
Collecting moss with bare hands
and store as much as your inventory allows.
To collect peat you need a shovel
because of his muddy spot on the ground.

Before you embark on this journey

From your settlement, which is probably near Haerndean, we recommend that you
build a shovel and bring it with you
. This preparation will ensure that you are ready for the long trek to the western part of the map to collect moss and peat in a single pass.

How to make the shovel

To get a shovel, you need to collect the following resources and craft it at the simple workbench:

  • Eight wood.
  • A copper bar.

A Copper bars are obtained by mining copper ore and melt it using the furnace structure, while Wood is easily obtained by collecting sticks on the ground near trees.


Bellwright: Where to Find Iron

Here’s how to mine iron and craft iron ingots in Bellwright.

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