
How much are state and local government employees overpaid? – MishTalk

Let’s discuss the latest BLS report on employer costs with a special focus on teachers.

Employer costs from BLS, chart by Mish

Cost overview for employers

  • Government wages plus benefits: $61.27
  • Private wages and benefits: $43.78
  • Government wages: $37.90
  • Private wages: $30.76

The average hourly wage in the public sector is 23.2 percent higher than in the private sector.

The real killer is social benefits.

The total remuneration of the civil service is 39.9 percent higher than that of the private sector.

What about teachers?

Employer costs from BLS, chart by Mish

Teachers earn $37.90 per hour directly. But their total benefits amount to a whopping $79.38 per hour.

Social benefits for teachers amount to only 109 percent of their salary.

Economic justice

Education Week reports in the State of the Union on Biden’s call for salary increases for teachers and expansion of preschool

Biden called on lawmakers on Thursday to “give every child a good start by providing three- and four-year-olds with access to preschool.” However, he did not provide a concrete plan to fund universal preschool education. He had already called for this in the past and included it in his Build Back Better proposal, which never passed the Senate.

Biden’s call for a pay raise for public school teachers also lacked specifics. It was included in a part of the speech that focused on economic justice and included raising taxes on top earners to cover the cost of domestic policy priorities.

When it comes to deserving teachers, there is no better place to start than the city of Chicago.

And who will pay for it?

Despite a $700 million budget deficit, the Chicago teachers’ union is demanding $50 billion

On March 13, I commented Despite a $700 million budget deficit, the Chicago teachers’ union is demanding $50 billion

“Stop asking that question,” she said. “Ask another question.”

And this in a city that already spends a staggering $29,000 per student, including all capital budget sources and funds. And Chicago public schools already have a deficit of $391 million for next year and nearly $700 million for the year after that, when the “Covid relief” funds run out.

The only way to put an end to this behaviour is to completely dissolve the public unions.

Unfortunately, a corrupt mayor from Chicago is in cahoots with the corrupt CTU. And the state has the most gerrymandering in the country. Springfield is right in the middle of it.

What are the chances that the police will show up?

On July 2, I noticed In Chicago, the probability that the police will show up if you are shot is less than 50 percent

Good luck in Chicago getting the police to show up if you’re shot, stabbed, a victim of domestic violence, or another serious crime.

Don’t worry. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson will solve the problem by raising property taxes to give money to the teachers union.

And instead of doing something about crime, Johnson demands reparations for slaves.

Public unions have no place here: Even FDR admitted that

To understand why public unions should never exist, please see Public unions have no place here: Even FDR admitted that

Chicago has an amazing tendency to repeatedly elect mayors who are worse than the last. Brandon Johnson is the worst mayor Chicago has ever had.

In Illinois, as in California, there is really only one thing you can do about this situation: leave.

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